\n Project Name: Bubblegum Sneakers \n Total Supply: 2000 \n \n Rules: \n \n - Renounced contract, 0% creator/dev fee, silent launch \n \n - Each token can be returned in exchange for ETH. The amount of ETH is calculated on the formula:\n
\n ETH in the pool : ( Total Tokens in Circulation x "sold-too-early penalty formula" ) \n \n - Each returned NFT will be disposed of and removed from circulation forever \n \n - Maximum tokens per wallet are limited to 1 at launch, every minute the limit increases by 1 \n \n - The last returned token will unlock the entire ETH pool to the final lucky seller \n \n - Each BGS token can be stolen. Be careful and don't forget to check your tokens for stealing claims. \n \n The last returned token will unlock the entire ETH pool to the last seller \n \n Dynamic price from 0.05ETH to 99.99ETH per piece. Each collected ETH forms a pool and allows users to sell tokens at any moment, however, to protect the holders there is a penalty for selling too early after the token was minted, initial penalty is set to 100% and will be slowly removed after 12 hours. \n \n Each BGS token can be stolen. Be careful and don't forget to check your tokens for stealing claims. To steal a token you need to lock a BGS token and prepare some ETH that is equals to the actual return price per token. Each steal attempt will last maximum for 24 hours. A steal claim can be rejected or ignored, in both cases the ETH goes to the victim, if the claim is ignored then the sneaker will be stolen. Each BGS token has 2 attempts to steal, however, if the second attempt fails then the victim will receive both NFTs and ETH. \n \n Protect and be careful with your BGS tokens, they are very valuable!\n
\n\n \n
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